Sunday, May 6, 2007

What is this?

I started to follow another blogger but he had finals and stopped blogging so I decided to start my own. I don't know who will see this, but I can't say that I care right now. So lets get started.

Assuming not many people will see this I will treat it like a journal. (If you do find it, feel free to comment.) I will talk about what I do outside of work for the most part.

I am a single guy and fancy myself as a "semi-pro" poker player. By semi-pro, I mean I have a day job and my poker winnings or comp accumulation allow me to buy some things and eat out more then I would otherwise. Not that it is alot, but every little bit helps. I don't think I want to go full Pro. If I loose my job for one reason or another I may live off of my savings and try it for awhile, but I think it would change the game for me. Right now it is extra money, fun, and a time filler, if I went full Pro it would be rent, food, and living. Besides I don't think I am that good.

Other then play poker I ride my motorcycle in the summer. I have a 1996 Honda CBR 1000F. It is an older bike I got a great deal on 2 years back with only 5,400 miles on it. I only have it up to 19,000 mile now so there is plenty of life left in it. I have been thinking of trading it in on a newer one but haven't pulled the trigger yet. I am use to it and can push it pretty far to its limits. It is also a great half breed. It is a CBR so it has its sport bike feel and performance but the "F" designation is the sport cruiser part. You sit alittle more up right for the long rides and it has a much softer seat. The down sides are it is heavy and under powered compared to the newer bikes. The top end is not what drives me, it is the power to get from 0-60 or from 60-100 that I want. If I go on a hot streak in poker I may buy a new one anyway.

This summer I plan on marrying my two hobbies. I will ride my bike to and from the casinos and poker rooms. This may not seem like much, but I plan on branching out and taking some trips. The trip reports will be the bulk of my blog. Not just the games but the ride there. On a bike, just getting there can be an adventure.

I don't plan on spelling out who I am or the details of my life in full, but I am sure details will trickle out and if you read all of my posts you will piece together alot about me. Here is one detail I will spell out. I was NOT an English major in college so if my grammar, spelling, or writing style is not proper, tough. Smart ass comments will be ignored but actual constructive criticism my help my writing.

This is an experiment to me so I don't know where it will lead.

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