Friday, May 11, 2007

Long Week

I finnaly got my bike to start. I had to get a new battery from the dealer, get another shop to put in the fluid, borrow a charger, take it back to the dealer, they charged it, determined it was bad, brought in another one that was bad and finnaly got a new one. Of course they don't call you so you drive down there 3 times to get this done. After another $40 in gas my bike starts. In fact, it starts so quickly that I think I have had a bad battery for years and didn't know it.

I have a rip in my seat that I am finnaly tired of so I start to look for a new one and find out it is $400. Friend tells me where to get it fixed for only $75, sweet. It will be done Sat. so I can't ride it on my trip but the weather man says it is going to be cold this weekend anyway. Once I get the seat back I just have to put air in the tires and change the oil and she will be ready to go.

Last week and half has been busy at work. Getting month long project done in 1&1/2 weeks means 12+ hour days and working on Sat. and Sun. Didn't get to play last weekend hence the trip this weekend.

Played a local tournament last night for $30. You could rebuy twice for $20 ea. but I didn't need to. Made it to the final 4, 2nd in chips, when they wanted to chop. I had been drinking the whole time so I was feeling good. I told them I wanted 1st place money and they could chop the rest. They thought I was kidding so I repeated it. The chip leader pointed out he had more chips and I just said "so what" We didn't chop. The next hand I completed the small blind with 34o and got bottom pair. Chip Leader bet 3k, I raised to 10k, he went all in and I folded. 2 hands later I got sucked out on the river and I was out on the bubble. Maybe I should have chopped?

Going down to Bay 101 and maybe check out Garden City in San Jose, CA. It is a 4&1/2 hr drive so I might not play tonight. I didn't get much sleep last night so am already tired. Damn burrito.

I will start out at 20/40 and see how it goes. I have been in a down swing and my bankroll is a little low. I am looking forward to going to these places a good bit over the summer if all works out. It is sad that the biggest limit game in Reno is 10/20, and even then it is with the same people or not at all. The regulars are starting to adjust to my play so new faces will be good. It also lets me know if I am a decent player or just play against horrible players. I figure if I can win in San Jose concistenly then I might know what I am doing. The money will be good too. Obviously 1 bb per hr at 20/40 is more profitable then 10/20.

I will have to track my play closely because I will now have more expenses to overcome. I will have gas, hotel, and food. The Bay doesn't have comps so I will be out of pocket for food. If I can't beat the game big, it will be more profitable to stay here at the lower limits and treat Bay 101 as a weekend get away.

I will do a trip report when I get back.

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