Sunday, January 6, 2008

Still Not a Quitter

Went back to the Peppermill and sat in the 15/30 game. There were some tough players in the game but I was determined not to let that intimidate me this time. I started out slow folding many hands and then caught 3 in a row to be up a rack. This was followed by a draught of cards and a few suckouts to take back the rack and some of my starting chips.

This is when I went on my run. I got into a couple of big pots with an aggressive player and I kept raising. I was playing aggressively but also making my hands to build my stack. My best hand was a set over set and then we filled up on the river. With another player helping to pump the pot I feel that I got the maximum amount I could. Then with a few more small pots I ran 400 up to 2000.

After all of that I still didn't quit. I took a break to eat a rest but I didn't leave. I talked about it, thought about it, but my greed got the best of me. I won another 300 when I went back but this was my plateau.

The main reason I didn't leave was a huge fish at the table. He kept rebuying between beer and would call anything down. He took pride in bluffing and was aggressive to boot. I thought this would continue until he was broke, then I would leave.

After he took down a big pot with a bluff, another player asked for over buttons. This doubles the stakes to 30/60 if the only players left in the hand have a button. All but 2 player got one. This is when the fish got runner runner to beat me. My KK ran into AA and someone got a gutshot on the river to beat me. With the stakes doubled and me taking several beats in a row I dropped 1300 before I knew it.

So after 8.5 hrs of play I dropped half in the last half hr. I know this was just a swing but I was to tired to stay and play through it so I left. This turned an awesome win of 1900 into a very good win of 985. Still over 100 an hour but crap. I can and will be a quitter soon. I obviously need to keep working at it though.

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