Thursday, January 24, 2008

No More Left Overs part 2

Now where was I. So I got into the room and crawled into bed and past out. Woke up about 9 am, not the most sleep but enough. Needless to say I was hung over and felt like shit. I was haveing dry heaves and hung out in the bathroom for a minute. Didn't get sick just relaxed and drank some water.

Tried to sleep some more but not much luck. I just watched tv and tried to drink more water. At about 11am I start to get hungry so I called up room service. The eggs were listed at 11.00 but when I signed the ticket it was up to 28 with tip, coffee, etc. As I was eating I realized that I didn't have my car keys or cell phone with my buddies number in it. I am getting worried that I could be stuck in Reno until my buddy realizes he has my stuff and comes to get me. I make it to my car and with the door code I get in to see that my buddy was there and left my stuff in the counsel for me. I call to thank him and chat about the night. He agrees it was a good time and I go to play more cards until I have to be home to meet another friend at 5pm.

I get into a 10/20 game at 1pm and can only play for 3 hrs so I can drive home by 5pm. I start to win right away. I was playing loose and hitting hands. I would push my draws and get there. And my favorite, flop my hand and get paid off. I remember one hand where I had T3o in the BB, with a raise and 7 callers in front of me. I make a speech that my hand sucks but how can I fold with so much money in the pot. Of course the flop comes A33 rainbow. I check call the flop and everyone notices and asks me if I like my hand now. I c/r the turn and get only one caller that pays me off on the river. With this luck I am up 591 in my 3 hrs. Almost got back all of my drinking money.

Sunday my buddy and I head back to Reno to play cards and get into the 10/20 game. Don't remember any hands but I did grind it up 200 before we went to eat dinner. This is where I got the shrimp. After dinner there is only one seat at the 10/20 game so I jump into a 4/8 game. I notice there are a ton of chips at this game. The guy to my right has 700 in front of him and other players have a few hundred. I am starting to think that they have been here all day as I watch the action. It is raised and re-raised with 4 callers on almost every street. Now it makes sense. I proceed to catch cards and am just as aggressive. I get AA, QQ, and AK almost in a row and win big pots with them all. Then I get lucky with Q5s in the BB to make a fullhouse and pick off a very aggressive bluff when I catch the river card. In 20 min I am up 300 in a 4/8 game.

Then I am called to the 10/20 game and drop 500 in the first few hands. Monster draws that don't come in. Then I go card dead and fold for the next couple of hours. I leave +77 at the end of the night.

Monday we stay local and go to Fandangos. I start playing BJ and win my entry fee into a small re-buy tornament. It was 30 with two 20 re-buys. I don't re-buy at all and get to the final table. I was playing aggressive but I also got lucky when I go all in with 75s and get called. I made trip 5 to double up. After that I settle down and try to win. I am 2nd in chips when we chop 3 ways for 200 each.

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