Monday, January 21, 2008

No More Left Overs

A buddy came in 2 weekends ago and we went out to eat every night until he left. Each night I got a to go box and put it in the fridge. So on the fifth night when he left, I mixed up the left overs and sat in front of the TV to relax. 5am the next morning I wake up running to the bath room. Yup the shrimp had gone bad.

I had the heat cranked and the covers on all day Thursday and was still cold. I started to feel a little better that night but not much. I had stuff to do at work on Friday so I took a bottle of tylenol and sucked it up. I wanted to play friday night, but my body said no way. Saturday I felt even better but not quite right, so I scrapped the idea of making it out and concentrated on getting better. So after this, NO MORE LEFT OVERS. I felt like dirt and who knows what it cost me in lost poker winnings. From now on if I don't eat it the next day I am throwing it out. Now back to poker.

The second weekend of January I got to the Peppermill pretty early for me and got into the 10/20. I lost a hand or two but was only down $10 at 6pm. The game was stuck in the mud and a few players were leaving to play the tournament. I was in the mood for a change of pace so I went too. $125 buy in with no re-buys. 41 players

I decided I would play super aggressive like Dario Minieri to see what would happen. The table was so tight and I was able to steal many pots. Then I would make a hand and get paid off. I had a bump or two in the road but I was getting chips. I cooled off for awhile with a nice stack and decided to let the others knock each other out. I cruised to the final two tables but had to start playing again with the blinds going up.

Playing alittle tighter I got to the final table 4th in chips. The final table was tight so I had to wait for hands and watch the others. I took a few hits as the table thined out and was the small stack with 4 left. 2 guys were good and would play but the other guy was pushing or folding. It was working for him so I started to do the same. Of course it doesn't work the last time. I crippled him with AK against AQ and he was out shortly after that. Down to 3.

His chips helped but I was card dead and the blinds where eating me up. I had just over the BB when I started to push with anything decent. This is when my second rush came. I doubled up twice and stole some blinds to be chip leader. I got heads up with a 3rd more in chips when we decided to chop. He gave me alittle more since I was ahead and I walked with a 1000 profit even with the buy in. Not bad.

I was feeling good with my first Tournament win at the Peppermill so I called a buddy and we hit the strip clubs with my money. We were talking about doing this for awhile and I had cash to burn. I don't remember club names but we went to 3. The first was ok, the 2nd bad, but the 3rd on Virginia street was a hit. I had the cutest thing in my lap the whole time I was there and we ended up getting drunk. I dropped 500 between the 3 bars and was back at the Peppermill by 3am. Played some drunk 4/8 before I got a room and then dropped $100 in a slot machine waiting for the front desk. Ended up dropping 800 but what a night.

This is getting long so I will bring it up to date in the next post.

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