Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It was a Wash

I didn't make it out Fri. night. I was tired and went to bed early only to wake up at 1am. I was still tired but not able to go to sleep so I played on Pstars. My mind wasn't in it and I ended up loosing 2 buy ins.

I did make it out Sat. and was up $226 when I left. I was trying to get to 300 and was at 298 at one point. So I stayed and the results tell the story. Sun. I made a plan to play until 5:30pm and eat sushi for dinner. So I got to the Grand Sierra at 1pm and got on a table pretty quickly. I started out ok bt then went card dead. I did push a few hands and lost what I was up. Then I would get a playable hand and my draw wouldn't come in. Thinking back I should have played tighter. I was in hands leaking chips when I shouldn't have been. Other then that I only made one mistake. I had TT in the MP3 with 5 callers. The board paired and 3 to the flush came on the river and when it was checked to me I bet. The button, who was catching all of his draws and raising when he made his hands, raised. Everyone folded to me and after some thought I folded too. The bet was a mistake but I know now that the folding was even worse. It was very likely that he had trips or the flush but I still should have paid him off.

Down 122 I went for sushi at the El Dorado. I waited all day for this so I ate more then my fill. I paid 35 with tip and took 50 to the BJ table. I got on a run early and almost doubled my money. I waited to long to bet more so when I did I lost and was broke in short order. Down 200 for the day I went home. Still 700 for the week so still happy.

In life my job blows. I know where all the money goes and I don't agree with were it is going. I have stressed out over this before and that is partly to blame for my mental melt down and lose of bankroll. This time I am telling myself not to care and just do my job and go home. If things don't change I will have plenty of time off for the holidays and be forced to play poker for a living.

I know I can't pay the bills or want to for longer then a month or two. Some time off will be nice but I don't have any illusions of being a poker pro for long. I have some savings but not enough so I will have to get a job pretty soon. It will be nice to have the luxury of waiting for the right job and if I win a poker I will be able to wait all that much longer.

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