Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It was a Wash

I didn't make it out Fri. night. I was tired and went to bed early only to wake up at 1am. I was still tired but not able to go to sleep so I played on Pstars. My mind wasn't in it and I ended up loosing 2 buy ins.

I did make it out Sat. and was up $226 when I left. I was trying to get to 300 and was at 298 at one point. So I stayed and the results tell the story. Sun. I made a plan to play until 5:30pm and eat sushi for dinner. So I got to the Grand Sierra at 1pm and got on a table pretty quickly. I started out ok bt then went card dead. I did push a few hands and lost what I was up. Then I would get a playable hand and my draw wouldn't come in. Thinking back I should have played tighter. I was in hands leaking chips when I shouldn't have been. Other then that I only made one mistake. I had TT in the MP3 with 5 callers. The board paired and 3 to the flush came on the river and when it was checked to me I bet. The button, who was catching all of his draws and raising when he made his hands, raised. Everyone folded to me and after some thought I folded too. The bet was a mistake but I know now that the folding was even worse. It was very likely that he had trips or the flush but I still should have paid him off.

Down 122 I went for sushi at the El Dorado. I waited all day for this so I ate more then my fill. I paid 35 with tip and took 50 to the BJ table. I got on a run early and almost doubled my money. I waited to long to bet more so when I did I lost and was broke in short order. Down 200 for the day I went home. Still 700 for the week so still happy.

In life my job blows. I know where all the money goes and I don't agree with were it is going. I have stressed out over this before and that is partly to blame for my mental melt down and lose of bankroll. This time I am telling myself not to care and just do my job and go home. If things don't change I will have plenty of time off for the holidays and be forced to play poker for a living.

I know I can't pay the bills or want to for longer then a month or two. Some time off will be nice but I don't have any illusions of being a poker pro for long. I have some savings but not enough so I will have to get a job pretty soon. It will be nice to have the luxury of waiting for the right job and if I win a poker I will be able to wait all that much longer.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Profitable Holiday

I put my new attitude to the test and it held up. I was clear headed, patient, and not expecting a fortune.

I went up the the El Dorado in Reno Wednesday night to get sushi and play some low limit holdem. The sushi bar was closed on Wednesday so I went straight to poker. The 3/6 table was full so I sat in a 1/2 NL game. I had watched Ed Millers new video on Stox Poker so I sat with his advice in mind.

I wasn't catching cards and then a very aggressive and good player sat down. He started to run over the table from the start so I called with a good hand but missed the flop and had to fold. My name was called for the 3/6 and since this game was loosing players and lost its passive feel I said to lock it up. I played until my blind and manage to win a hand that put me up $20 before I left.

My sandwich came as I moved to the 3/6 so I was eating instead of paying attention at the beginning. After I was done I did win a few pots but wasn't catching cards and slowly leaking chips. In the mean time they started a new 1/2 NL and it looked to good to pass up so I asked for a seat and was moved right away.

The new table was as passive as I had thought. Everyone would limp and then fold if they missed the flop or pay off the most obvious hands. I was splashing around loosing chips when I was dealt AQs in the small blind. Several limpers and the I raised in the SB. Everyone folded to the button, who called, and we where heads up to the flop.

The button was a Chinese girl that just reloaded after calling progressively larger bets, including the river, with AA on a 3 flush board. She had the nut flush draw but you don't CALL all in on the river when you miss. This gave me a fishy read so I thought I could push her around, hoping she would be gun shy after the last hand.

The flop came 10 high with only one of my suit. I have to admit I was frustrated at not catching cards to this point, along with my read, so I pushed for my remaining $70. She thought for a short time and called showing QQ. I thought I was going home but I got runner runner to a straight and doubled up. This was total luck on my part but it was the confidence boost I needed. After this hand I went on a big run.

Like I said before, this was a passive game so I started to raise and bet. I would raise $10 preflop and 6 people would fold. I know this isn't a big pot but it was free money. If they did call they would fold to a C-bet on the flop. The gravy was when I would hit the flop and they would pay me off. I was up $250 before 2aggressive guys came to the table and I had to back off. I was getting ready to leave when this hand came up.

I don't remember exactly how it went down but I was heads up in a raised pot with top two on a draw heavy board. On the flop I was facing a big bet and a tough decision. There was a flush draw and a possible straight on the board and I had watched this guy play a straight this way earlier in the night. After his bet he only had $120 left and this would have put me back to even. I figured all the money was going in and I still had outs if he had the straight. If he was on a flush draw there was fold equity on top. He is a dealer so I figured the money meant alot to him and he would protect it. I pushed and he called quickly. I asked if he had the straight but he didn't say anything which was the same as saying no. It was two blanks and I was up $500.

I stayed with my new confidence when I got into a pot with the Chinese girl again. I limped in from the button with 34o. The flop was 524. There was a small bet that I called and we were heads up to the turn. The turn was an A to give me the wheel. I put her on A rag so when she bet $20 I raised it to $60. She pushed quickly so I called figuring I was pot committed and would split the pot. She turned up the 63 for the nuts and I was sick.

I took the hint this time and played tightly to my blind and racked up my $300 profit. Not bad but avoidable. I should have just called her down and probably would have saved alot. I never ruled out 63 but I let my rush go to my head.

Turkey day was even more profitable. I met two friends at the Grand Sierra for the Turkey buffet. I had the normal turkey and fixins and enjoyed the company. With no clean up we sat a talked, ate a leisurely desert, and drank coffee. Very enjoyable. We were stuffed so we walked around down stairs by the shops for some exercise. None of us had walked the entire area so I forced us to do it and found some new shops we didn't know where there. After wards they were going to a friends house so I went up to the poker room.

There was only a 4/8 game going but it was full with lots of chips and action. I waited alittle for a seat but not long. My plan was to play ABC poker and get paid off. It was a slow start, folding for like the first 40 mins. I was amazed at what was winning and how the guy next to me was sucking out hard for big pots. The players started complaining that this game was all luck and I just chuckled while licking my lips.

I limped on the button with Q7s, my favorite hand, and flopped a flush draw. I bet the flush draw and 5 called. The board paired aces and it was checked around. The river was the flush and someone bet. I only called fearing a ragged fullhouse but I won. This gave me a tight table image and the vocal Chinese lady I just beat let everyone know it. This helped me out when I flopped top pair with a OESD and raised. She muttered that the last time I raised I had it so she and 3 others folded. Q on the turn but I bet and only got one caller. The river was another Q and since I didn't get raised on the turn I bet again and he folded. With those two hands I was up $100.

Then I got lucky again in a 1/2 Kill pot. I called with 22 from the SB and flopped quads. It was checked around but I bet the turn and everyone folded. I was hoping for one call but O'well. They give bonuses for everything so I flipped it over and asked if there was a bonus. Turns out they are progressive bonuses and since it wasn't hit for awhile I got $198. Up $300 just like that.

I was just thinking that I didn't get many pocket pairs when I was dealt AA. There was an early raise and re-raise so I 3-bet to get out the others. They would call 2 bets but not 3. I was giving up my hand but I said I was going to play ABC poker and you don't slow play. The raisers called me all the way down and I took a nice pot. I won another small pot and racked up $426 profit in a 3 hr session. Even without the bonus it was a good session. $226 in 3 hrs at 4/8 is dam good.

Up $700 in two nights is a great start. I am going to try to add to it this weekend but I don't expect to make as much. You can't hit bonuses every time. For now I am keeping with the same strategy, ABC poker at low stakes with short sessions. If it goes well I will have a nice little bankroll when the Winter tournaments come around Dec. 7. I plan on taking a buy in and jumping up to my old stakes. I will be under bankrolled but not over matched.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

New Outlook

I have come to the conclusion that my game went into the toilet because of everything. That includes less luck, playing badly, expectations, and not being ready to play, both mentally and physically. So everything.

As I have been saying in my other posts I have been analyzing my play. Reading more, listening, and thinking about my play. Well it started to come together. I picked up little things here and there and watched what was happening at the table and adjusted as I went. I mentioned each part but it took me awhile to get it straight and beleive that it would work.

I went to San Jose over the weekend and recognized some things I was doing wrong. I expected to win, I didn't get enough sleep, I played to long, I made bad decisions, and I got unlucky. I raided my savings to go play and it hurt to loose it knowing that I could do better. The prospect of having to quit because of money made me play like I new I should and I started to see it work.

I thought I was not getting my fair share of good hands so I started to put a chip behind my stack every time I folded and counted how many hands I folded before I saw a flop. To my surprise it was around 10 with dry spells as high as 22. When I played a hand that I new I shouldn't I would loose and then win when I would wait. I watched other players that I thought were good and saw that they went through long dry spells too and just folded.

The little trick about counting my hands gave me the mental strength not to play hands I knew I shouldn't. Winning more hands gave me confidence and I started to make better post flop decisions and win more. It also opened my mind to see that I was getting my fair share of hands and I was not unlucky or in a huge downswing I couldn't do anything about. I was running hot for a long time and now I am running average.

I see now that I got mentally weak with all that is going on in my life and was bringing it to the table. I may have taken more then my fair share of bad beats, but I let them get to me more then they should have. I am now looking at each hand separately. Not thinking about the session, week, or month but what to do at each decision.

I plan to play much shorter sessions until I build back my confidence and bankroll. Others might think I am doing hit and runs but I don't care. I am only going to play until I feel I am making bad decisions and that is it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Inital Results are In

and they indicate I suck at poker. That is a little harsh, not much, but a little.

After being turned down by the only poker coach that answered my cry for help (forum post)(he only coaches NL not limit) I went back to the Stoxpoker videos. Again I half paid attention to what he was saying and watched what he was doing on the other tables (he was 4 tabling) This seems to be working well for me. I have to watch them a few times because there is too much info to take in at once.

After making changes I belive it is all of the above. I am playing loose and weak tight at the wrong times, I am over aggressive at the wrong times, and I am running bad.

1. Loose, I was being stubborn and not giving up good hands when warranted. Why call two bets cold preflop on the button with ATs with an UTG raiser. I am probably 50/50 but why risk it when I'm running bad. Another is when I have top pair and someone caps the flop with me, I am probably beat and should just move on to the next hand. These situations spew chips that are hard to get back when running bad.

Tight, I need to limp with marginal hands when there are 4+ limpers. This will allow me the chance to get lucky and win a big pot for a small investment. I just have to give it up and not chase if I miss.

2. Over Aggressive with top pair or the like as explained above, but also with just bets. I am betting top pair and draws when the pot is small and am likely to be out drawn or my semi-bluff has little chance of working.

3. Running bad. This excuse is down to 33% of the problem, so I realize I have room for improvement. I keep it there though because even with the extra limping I am doing I am playing less then 15% of my hands (20% is normal) and I am winning less then my fair share of those hands. The exact percentage eludes me right now but I did check this last night with my poker tracker stats. I did beat the .25/.5 game last night for 2bb per hr but I believe this should be double if I was running normal and triple if I was running good. I was hoping to confirm this with my coach so if you have an opinion please enlighten me.

I'm working hard on the above before my trip. I am leaning toward leaving Fri. morning instead of Thurs. night. This will give me more practice and study time along with another good night sleep in my own bed. I just want to give myself the best chance to beat the San Jose games.

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Little Details

My last post ended abruptly because I was still playing when I was writing and I almost lost it as I took another bad beat.

I took a break for an hour and then watched a Stoxpoker video. I was only half paying attention to what he was saying and just watched what he was doing. I got just as much out of looking for the things I wanted as listening to what he was saying. I started to pick up on some of my over aggression. I can see that I over C-bet and raise for information when it is the same price to call down. I know there is a time and place for these things but I'm getting it wrong too much and it is costly. I played for exactly 30 mins after the video and doubled my buy-in.

I didn't "get it" that quickly as much as I was running good. Flopping 3 of a kind out of the BB with Q4o is luck not skill. I did use some of my other ideas and saw them work. Thinking about them now, they are easy concepts that I know but putting them together while playing is were I need practice. I even took steps to find a coach. Besides pointing out what I am doing wrong I want to know if I am running bad or playing bad.

Unless I have a huge hole in my game that I don't see, I still think 75% of my problems are from running bad. I had dozens of hands this weekend were I was an 85% favorite and still lost. Either way I am determined to figure it out. If I suck at poker I can get better and if I am running bad, just knowing will help me get through it.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

85 Hours and $160 Later

I am settling in on a new playing style. I have used these marathon sessions in the past to see the patterns of my losses. By seeing what doesn't work over again and again in a short period of time it starts to sink in. I even posted a hand or two on 2+2 while I was playing to help out on my weak tight problem. I still have work to do but I am pushing hard to prepare for my trip next weekend.

My problems are in my post flop game. No surprise there since 90% or more of the poker community lacks in this area. I was and still do spew chips. I have tightened up to an almost fit or fold play style. It is working for me right now because I still am running bad. I have taken so many suck outs this weekend it is hard to take. I don't know if this is normal but I hope not.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Ready to Play and Expectations

I was surfing the 2+2 web site and came across the October graphs. These guys are winning anywhere between 2k and 200k in a month. The fact that this is possible is the reason I keep trying and wine when I can't at least break even.

So after some soul searching I have come to a few conclusions that I am working on. I am trying to be ready to play poker. And by that I mean physically and mentally. Not playing if I am tired or just bored. Don't make dinner or talk on the phone when you are trying to play. You have to want to play and care about what you are doing. The mental part is where I think killed my bank roll. If you just got some bad news, are worried about something in life, or mad at something, poker is not what you do to take your mind off of things unless you drop way down on limits. Tilt will come quickly and easily and destroy your bank roll.

The second part is expectations. You have to ask yourself what you want out of poker. I was looking for the quick buck and it was there for a time. I still want to make money but now I am content with what comes. I have been playing micro stakes so I had to find enjoyment and satisfaction from winning because there wasn't much money. I think I now get the one big bet an hour and building your bankroll until you can move up. If you have a job and can build you bankroll faster fine, but you have to be careful that you are not fooling yourself by doing this.

I am doing these things on-line and will be taking a shot at live poker again next weekend down at the Bay 101. I am going to raid the savings account and play all weekend at 20/40 and lower if I am still loosing. I hope to make just enough to cover expenses but not loosing everything I take is ok too.