Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Still Running Bad

Took another shot at the live games over the weekend. This was the last weekend for the Pot of Gold so I figured why not. Well I can give you 500 reasons why not because that is how much I managed to loose.

I just can't get on a roll. I win one hand to make a few bucks and then build a nice pot in the next couple of hands only to be drawn out on and end up right back where I started. Then the game kept breaking up to boot. They couldn't keep it going so I switched to NL. Same result here but with being able to bet more and go all in I was soon all out of money.

Decided to join a poker site where they have videos of pros playing and concentrate on my game while playing on the Internet. I just signed up, but I think I found two places to tighten my game up already. Before, if I bled a few chips it didn't matter, now that I win so few pots every chip matters. I have been noticing that those few chips that I have wasted could have added up to an extra $100 a session, making the trip worth while.

I am now dedicated to playing a very regimented and straight forward game in the low limits while I rebuild my bankroll. It is hard to play mistake free, but that is where the money is.

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