Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Goals for the Month

I have been reading some other blogs and they are setting goals for the month so I thought why not.

I am trying to set a schedule starting this month and three days in, I am off track. I was suppose to workout and read Monday night and that didn’t happen. I ended up doing the dishes, laundry, and general cleaning instead. I did go play live last night but stayed an extra hour and lost $100. Not in the last hour but over the whole session. Card dead.

Tonight it was suppose to be more working out and reading but instead I am going to do bookkeeping and taxes. I can make more money then playing poker but its not as fun. I only have 4 returns left to do so I was planning on just getting them done instead of waiting till the last minute. Lol

In general my goals for the month are these. Mon., Wed., and Sat. work out. Mon. and Wed study poker. Tues and Thur play on the internet. Two tables, low stakes, to build up a bankroll. Fri, Sat, and Sun. play live. It is still up in the air where and what. I am mostly a limit player but the NL games in Tahoe are so soft. So I will probable mix it up.

I am going to start with $85 and play the .1/.2 limit games. I could play higher but I want to work on my aggression and discipline of building a bankroll. If I loose then why play? I would rather figure out I am a loosing player at .1/.2 then 10/20.

I hope I am a winning player but by the end of the month I should know for sure.

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