Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Great Weekend

Made up for the last 2 months of losses over the weekend. I could have made more but still made the same old mistake.

Sat. I was there by 1pm and fooled around in ½ NL before the 20/40 started. I made back what I lost in the NL, I don’t know how much but I know I lost some. I was up a rack in profit when the game started to break about 6:30. Turns out a lot of players were in the 7pm tournament so I joined also.

It was a $225 buy in with about 85 players. We started with 3,000 chips and blinds went up every 20min. On the first hand I ran into KK and lost 700 before I folded. Then I limped in a few pots and lost another 300. At this rate I figure I will be out and why nurse a short stack for hours when I can make more in the cash games. So I got really aggressive and started moving all in first and over the top of raises and they folded. Before I knew it I was up. Then I started catching cards. And by that I mean I flopped quads and got a guy to go all in with me. But for the most part I was just being really aggressive and they folded. I guess when I showed a few big hands they got scared of me.

Before I knew it I was one of the chip leaders and I started to think I may have a chance. I continued to get cards. UTG raised, 2nd largest stack at the table nest to mine, and it was folded to me in the BB. I had TT and called. I did think about it so I looked weak. The flop was 4T4. I was excited to see the T then the rest of the flop registered in my brain and I check. He pushed and I insta-called. He knew I had him and showed JJ. My hand held up and I was flying high.

After that I twice had to call all-in bets from short stacks with weak cards. I knew it was my job but I didn’t have to like it. I lost both hands by the way. I hit a bad run of cards and had to fold a few rounds. The blinds and now antes were starting to put a dent in my stack and a few other players were able to double up so I was a medium stack again. I stole the blinds and antes a few times to keep going. As the tables were combined and new big stacks came over I could only go all-in or fold. I remember one hand where a big stack called the BB and I pushed with 88. He had done this before with a medium A so I figured he might fold, and he did. He thought about it and tried the fake fold move but I was so tired I didn’t budge and he let it go.

We where down to 10 players and 9 places paid. I was 5 in chips when someone came up with the idea of taking 200 of the 1st place money and 100 off the 2nd place money to move the action and it worked. A player went all in and was down to 200 the next hand. He posted the antes and was out. I made the final table.

The blinds and antes where big now so I still had to play. I called a small raise from the BB and check it down with another player to knock out the all in, just to loose on the river. I caught an A on the river but it gave him a flush, but it was the right play and we had one less player at the table. I was in the same position a few hands later but was able to improve on the turn so I bet and the third player folded and I knock out the all-in and got the money. I called one all-in by myself to take out my third player.

We were 5 handed and I was 4th in chips when I went out. The small stack pushed with J7 for less then the BB and I got QQ in the small blind. I went all in and to my horror the BB called with AA. I should have played it safe and just called so I could fold and still be in but I thought I had a lock on the hand. Even if the small stack won I would win the antes because he had so little chips. O well I still had the small stack beat and I would get 4th place money. NOT, he rivered a gutshot straight and I was out in 5th place for 1,100. Crap. I tipped the dealers 100 so I walked with 800 (1k – buy in).

It was now 2:30 and even though I was tired I was hyped up on coffee so I sat in a short handed 20/40 to calm down. I stated loosing right away and I was kicking myself for playing tired again and loosing when I won big pot and was up. Still didn’t leave, when a young woman with a McDonalds uniform sat down with 300. She was on fire hitting every flop and catching every draw. I tried to avoid her but I was getting good hands that turned out to be second best. I tried to raise her out preflop but she would call with junk and catch two pair. Yes she got all of my chips and I went home.

Sun. I tried to call some friends to avoid playing since I was still tired and lost 1k because of it, but nobody called me back so I went up. I did pick up another rack in profit but I stayed 2 hands to long again. I figure I left 3 racks on the table because of not leaving. I have to get this through my head.

Overall I had a great weekend and made up all my lost ground and then some. I think I played well post flop and will keep reading and watching the videos. As for playing tired, I will try again this weekend and see if I can control my self.


Zak said...

who is this? Obv we have played together many times

Reno Grinder said...

I don’t want to be rude but I like being anonymous. You don’t look familiar but we may have played together being the same people always play. Even if you figure out who I am please keep it to yourself or I will have to stop the blog. The city is to small and I don’t want to dry up my action.

Feel free to follow along, give advice or ask questions. In fact I would encourage this because I don’t have anyone to discuss poker plays with so my learning progress is slow with giant steps every now and then when a concept sinks in.

Freeze said...


who are you?

figure it out soon enuf anyway.