Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Same Old With a Twist

Based on a few comments I am beginning to think that more people have found my blog then I thought would, quicker then I thought and so on. I may have to start being a little more vague because my identity seems to be utmost in their minds. Other then who am I, what do you think about the content? Do I ramble? Is it the same old stuff? Should I put in more hands?
I tend to repeat myself so let me know if I do it here.

Ok, so it was the same old crap as every other weekend. I made a lot of money, stayed to long, gave it all back. Not much in details that I want to go into because I don't want to relive the horror and be reminded about the thousands of dollars that I just GAVE AWAY because I am such a nice guy. Blah.

The twist part is bringing personal stuff to the table. I had a person, whom I thought was a friend, do something so colossally stupid, in an attempt to get back at mostly another friend and partly me that I have been mentally sick since last Wed. He is being so immature, self centered, and petty that he doesn't see, or care about the fallout which will ultimately cost him many, many thousands of dollars and my friendship. I was so sick I couldn't see straight. So Thur I thought I would go play poker and try to forget about it. Well I thought about it the whole time and ended up getting stuck. I told myself I am not really stuck until I leave so I stayed. At 4:30 am I was within $100 of being even.

Now stop and think about this. I woke up at 6am Thur, worked all day, played poker all night, and now its Fri and I have to be at work in 3 hours. So to say I was tired is putting it lightly. So thinking very clearly I decided that the sun comes up at 5:30 am and it would be better to ride home in the daylight. I did and ended up loosing $200 in the hour. O Well, not that bad for an all nighter -300. So I got home at 6:40 decided to get a 30 min nap in and cleanup and went to work. I did as little as possible Fri and even got in some shut eye to boot. Since I got some sleep I did think about going back but by quitting time all I wanted to do was sleep so I slept all Fri night.

Got up Sat 90% rested with the plan to play only 8hrs and leave no mater what. The best laid plans. I got to the Peppermill at I don't know what time and got into a 1/2 NL. Lost 200 and rebought 300 when alot of people were leaving to start up a 2/3 5 to go NL game. The action player, Sammy, was in my game so when he went to the bigger game I thought why not. It worked out great. Sammy was giving as much action as you could handle, catching cards, and putting people on tilt. I managed to catch a few hands myself and just rode the wave. Before I knew it I got my money back plus $500.

By now people were coming in and a 5/10 NL list came up and half my table left to start it. Sammy again went to the bigger game and me with him. This is the biggest game I have played in to date. It was a min 500 buy in and most were buying in for 2k or more. I put my 500 profit on the table and let it ride. I was focused and playing well and built my 500 up to 1800+. Not bad for the cards and action I was getting. Then it happened as usual. I missed a few draws, realized I was tired, but kept playing. Slowly my stack dwindled from bad beats and bad play until it was gone. Did I leave then, no, I had the money I brought.

By now Danny came to the table. I just think it is coincidence at this point but he benefited greatly once again from my now meager condition. He bet, I raised, and he put me all in with a flush draw that didn't come. I played bad some more and Sammy got my last 100. I lost @%@%@ more. lol You get the point.

So, if you were paying attention I was supposed to leave after 8 hrs. (At which point I had alot of money). But since I didn't pay attention to what time I came in, I am not completely sure when it was up. But no matter what, it was now 11pm and I was still there. Way past 8 hrs. So I have a few brain cells left and go to the 1/2 NL. Can't catch a break and loose my 100 in an hour. I finnally leave at midnight, broke and labeled a fish. Not quite broke, I still have a good size bank roll for me and my day job.

Overall, I still think I am a winning player, just not driven at this point. I can and do win but since it is not my living I give most of it back. The stupid personal shit in my life right now has given me this "I don't care attitude". So I came up with a new plan to help me focus and stop giving it back. It is very low tech but I tried it out Sun. at a local cardroom for small stakes and it seemed to work. I will have to do some more field test but I am optimistic.

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