Saturday, June 9, 2007

Peppermill Summer Tournaments Day 1

The summer tournament Fri night and I went up to take advantage of the action. I was able to leave work a little early due to some errands and got to Reno about 5pm. The 20/40 was full so I got in a ½ NL. I started to hit some flops and got some action on a big open raise with AA. There was a very chatty idiot to my left and I turned up my ipod to drown him out but it wouldn’t go loud enough. It cost me a couple hundred on a big hand. I checked in the big blind with 10/6o and flopped two pair. There was a flush draw out so I bet 30 to narrow the field. MP3 raised to 60 and the CO and I called. The turn made a straight possible and I check to MP3 who made it 100 all-in. CO called and I tanked. This is when the chatty idiot to my left started to talk about the possible hands and being new to the game I didn’t know the players so I let his comment convince me MP3 had the straight and the CO was on a flush draw so I folded. Of course the river was a blank and I would have won 500 with two pair vs KK and top pair. Damn. I managed to win 200 when I was moved to the 20/40.

I started with 200 from 1/2NL and with the 200 I won I started the 20/40 with 400 and never looked back. I won right away. I was playing aggressively and trying to apply the things I read and the concepts on the videos and it was working. I had a set back when Dirty Doug caught a boat on the river that made my flush but fought back. I called Solomon “Sulli” down with 55 and was good to his AK and kept betting with AQs after raising preflop from the small blind in a big pot to have everyone fold on the river without showing. I even got really lucky when I made trips on the river to beat top pair. The guy is a luck box so it was satisfying to river him that way. My best pot was when I called a raised in the small blind with Jh10h and flopped a flush and opened straight draw. It was capped 3 ways on the flop and I was able to 3 bet on the turn when I made my flush. I got paid off by both players for a big pot. I turned 200 into 2100 in 5 hours.

I had a strong urge to leave just after 10pm but fought it. I went card dead and didn’t play a pot for two rounds. I would raise with AK and have to fold on the flop. I got top pair with Q9o and turned trips only to loose to Dirty Doug’s J kicker that he slow rolled. I blinded of a few more bets and finally left about 11:30 after giving back 500. I racked up 1400 in profit so I am not to upset. I just need to listen to my gut more. Now I am tired and won’t be as sharp tonight.

On the way out I saw some friends playing 4/8 so I bought a rack to sit and talk with them a little. I played well and was up a bit when I was dealt AA. I raised and got like 5 callers. All 5 called down and I got a raise on the turn for a 180 main pot and 20 side pot. A drunk luck box “Tom” got two pair, 75o, on the turn for the main pot and I got the side pot. I lost another pot a little while later and was stuck $1 so I racked it up. I wasn’t meant to win anymore that night.

It is 12:30 so time to start heading back up. Till Sunday.

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