Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Playing Better and Learning to Fold

The two are going hand in hand. Because of folding I am playing better. Folding has really improved my post flop game. I still make mistakes but I am giving it credit for not letting me drop of the deep end.

I ran even Friday night but lost Saturday. Sunday I was only going to play a short session but ended up playing longer. I was down because of a bad river and then went on tilt for 50 more in a 1/2NL game. No 10/20 limit game going so I mixed it up. Anyway I was card dead for 6hrs until I got lucky.

I don't remember the preflop action but I got HU on a flop of KK3 with KJ in the hole. I bet 20 and got raised to 60 by the tightest player at the table. He didn't raise preflop so I put him on a K with a worse kicker so I went all in thinking he would fold. He insta called 150 more and showed 33 for the flopped fullhouse. The turn was a J and he left in disgust.

After this hand the cards kept coming and I made some good decisions post flop. Before I knew it I was back even for the day and then for Sat. too. I think I could have made more but 2 things happened. I was betting to strong and scared people off that would have called slightly less and I stopped getting action. I was on a run and out playing the table so they avoided me. I got action on one last hand that I lost for 200. I went card dead again and with no action I called it a night.

I credit the folding for this win. I folded for 6 hrs before I started to get cards. Had I not folded so much I would have lost and left before the cards turned in my favor. It was boring as hell but entertainment is secondary to making money.

+100 for the week $4 per hr (yuk)
Great lesson learned, Priceless

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