Monday, December 31, 2007

2008 New Years Resolution

The new year brings absolution for the sins of the previous year or so we like to believe. IMO people need something to change so they can change. Just like we put the old year behind us we try to put our bad habits behind us too. I have jumped on this band wagon since as long as I can remember so why stop now. Besides, jumping on is easy, not falling off is the hard part.

Self Discipline. Two words, four syllables, but the hardest thing to do. This is what all resolutions boil down to. If you want to lose weight, go to the gym, or church, you need the self discipline to put the potato chips down and get off the couch. Self discipline, or lack of, is the root cause of our failure. We know what to do and how to do it, we just choose not to.

I know what I have to do to win at Poker, I just choose not to. My new year resolution is to do all the things I know I have to do to reach my goal of making money. The money will be there if I don't play when I am tired, on tilt, or getting bad cards. I can and do beat the games I play in but I am not reaching my poker goals because of my lack of self discipline. Of course there will be set backs but knowing the problem should help.

Good luck reaching your goals in the new year.

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