Friday, December 14, 2007

Mind Control

Went back to the Peppermill last night for some 10/20 limit. It was the first time back since my melt down and I was welcomed back. Nobody seemed to have hard feelings so it is now water under the bridge.

I got there about 6:30 and played till 10:30. I booked a nice little win for $343 or just over $85hr. I played pretty well and kept myself in check when I wasn't getting cards and when I built, then lost, the 2 biggest pots of the night. Brian managed to win both with a rivered set over set and a turned gutshot straight beat another set. A good $800 between the two pots.

I did falter alittle when it was time to go. At first I was going to go at 10 but I told myself if the game was good I would stay an extra 30min. The game filled up so I stayed. The ironic part is that I lost $15 in the extra time. I am starting to see a pattern here.

Still a good night and I am happy and satisfied with the win. I am starting to win the battle with myself and my expectations. A win is better then loosing.

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