Monday, December 31, 2007

2008 New Years Resolution

The new year brings absolution for the sins of the previous year or so we like to believe. IMO people need something to change so they can change. Just like we put the old year behind us we try to put our bad habits behind us too. I have jumped on this band wagon since as long as I can remember so why stop now. Besides, jumping on is easy, not falling off is the hard part.

Self Discipline. Two words, four syllables, but the hardest thing to do. This is what all resolutions boil down to. If you want to lose weight, go to the gym, or church, you need the self discipline to put the potato chips down and get off the couch. Self discipline, or lack of, is the root cause of our failure. We know what to do and how to do it, we just choose not to.

I know what I have to do to win at Poker, I just choose not to. My new year resolution is to do all the things I know I have to do to reach my goal of making money. The money will be there if I don't play when I am tired, on tilt, or getting bad cards. I can and do beat the games I play in but I am not reaching my poker goals because of my lack of self discipline. Of course there will be set backs but knowing the problem should help.

Good luck reaching your goals in the new year.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Playing Better and Learning to Fold

The two are going hand in hand. Because of folding I am playing better. Folding has really improved my post flop game. I still make mistakes but I am giving it credit for not letting me drop of the deep end.

I ran even Friday night but lost Saturday. Sunday I was only going to play a short session but ended up playing longer. I was down because of a bad river and then went on tilt for 50 more in a 1/2NL game. No 10/20 limit game going so I mixed it up. Anyway I was card dead for 6hrs until I got lucky.

I don't remember the preflop action but I got HU on a flop of KK3 with KJ in the hole. I bet 20 and got raised to 60 by the tightest player at the table. He didn't raise preflop so I put him on a K with a worse kicker so I went all in thinking he would fold. He insta called 150 more and showed 33 for the flopped fullhouse. The turn was a J and he left in disgust.

After this hand the cards kept coming and I made some good decisions post flop. Before I knew it I was back even for the day and then for Sat. too. I think I could have made more but 2 things happened. I was betting to strong and scared people off that would have called slightly less and I stopped getting action. I was on a run and out playing the table so they avoided me. I got action on one last hand that I lost for 200. I went card dead again and with no action I called it a night.

I credit the folding for this win. I folded for 6 hrs before I started to get cards. Had I not folded so much I would have lost and left before the cards turned in my favor. It was boring as hell but entertainment is secondary to making money.

+100 for the week $4 per hr (yuk)
Great lesson learned, Priceless

Friday, December 14, 2007

Mind Control

Went back to the Peppermill last night for some 10/20 limit. It was the first time back since my melt down and I was welcomed back. Nobody seemed to have hard feelings so it is now water under the bridge.

I got there about 6:30 and played till 10:30. I booked a nice little win for $343 or just over $85hr. I played pretty well and kept myself in check when I wasn't getting cards and when I built, then lost, the 2 biggest pots of the night. Brian managed to win both with a rivered set over set and a turned gutshot straight beat another set. A good $800 between the two pots.

I did falter alittle when it was time to go. At first I was going to go at 10 but I told myself if the game was good I would stay an extra 30min. The game filled up so I stayed. The ironic part is that I lost $15 in the extra time. I am starting to see a pattern here.

Still a good night and I am happy and satisfied with the win. I am starting to win the battle with myself and my expectations. A win is better then loosing.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New Attitude

I have always said that I am playing poker to make money but I keep making decisions that go against that statement. I keep playing longer then I said I would, when I am tired, or just when my mind is not on the game. All these things effect my win rate either that night or the next day.

Friday I played all night. I was up 1300 in a 3/5 nl game thanks to 4 big hands. Other then those hands I wasn't catching cards but I still played on. I came up with several reasons to stay but I knew I should have left. I did finally leave with 1000 which isn't bad but I went home and could only sleep 4hrs. I went back and lost 800.

Playing both days was always my plan but by playing so long friday I ruined my game for Saturday. I have no balance and therefore my reasons for playing poker at any given time keep changing. I am trying to have the disipline to follow my plan. It is a flexable plan that can adjust to the conditions but I bend and then break it too often.

My game has improved lately but my lack of disipline threatens to undue all my work.