Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Random Thoughts

In case a few people actually read these posts, I wanted to point out that I matured (a little) and mellowed during my 7 year break.  If you read the previous posts you might notice a different focus and tone.  I was still out to get rich and use poker as my only source of income.  Having a steady, well-paying-job, has changed my outlook and goals for poker.  Without the pressure to win and make money, I have relaxed and can enjoy the game and improve without a narrow focus.
Eventually I will share hands I play and hope to get feed-back from other points of views, but I am posting these first few posts to get my thinking and approach straight in my own head.  They may be boring so feel free to skip them. 

I am starting to form a style of play that works for me and my financial concerns, emotional state, and personality.  All these factors are subject to change from hand to hand and will affect my play from a session to forever.  I can only say this is what I am trying to do to improve and win at poker.  If you don’t like it or it doesn’t work for you, then skip over it and read the parts that interest you.

One factor that you will probably pick up on is that I am not aggressive enough. So I will say it now.  “I am results oriented.”  It may be more profitable to push here or raise there but I won’t in order to protect my stack.  As I win, build a bankroll and confidence in my game, I will increase my aggression.  As for now, the confidence builder of a small win allows me to focus on my “MANY” other short comings.  Hand and player reading is my current focus.  As I get better, I am also trying to bet for value on a scary river.  Small steps, there is a reason(s) why I play 1-2nl.

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