Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Last Try

I have 6 weeks of unemployment left, so I have 6 weeks of trying left. After that, poker will be down graded to a hobby.

I have learned alot in the last couple of months to sharpen my game. The most important one being, I learned to lose or give up. My opponents aren't all idiots, and even if they are, they mostly re raise or check raise when they have a monster hand. Although this is not true Live. I folded twice and the idiots were true idiots and I folded the best hand.

I cured myself of my chronic fatigue by watching House MD and confirming it with Web MD. One of his patients had chronic fatigue and they said it was from low potassium due to drinking excessive water. My doctor put me on diuretics which caused me to drink large amounts of water, flushing out potassium. More commonly known as an electrolyte. I started taking more vitamins with great results. I also lost a little confidence in my Doctor.

Lastly, I am doing a new hit and run strategy for live games. 2 hrs and I am off to a different casino. Once I hit $200 up of down, I am done for the day. More then that I get bored and start making mistakes. I blame this on multi tabling. I know this is weak but I have to build my bank roll. So bank roll management takes precedence over maximizing profits for now.

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