Monday, April 28, 2008

Feeling Good

I have been doing pretty well lately. Which is good considering I am going to Vegas on Friday. Last week I was down on NL and going to play Limit, and now this week I am reversed.

Friday I went up to the Peppermill to play in a 20/40 game that took two weeks to schedule. It was suppose to start at 6pm so I could get up there after work. I left early and got there at 5:15pm to find the game going strong and I was 9th on the list. So the game went from waiting for me because they thought it would be short, to a list that kept getting longer.

So I jump into a 10/20 game to wait and can't get a hand or have a hand hold up on the river. Mean while I am looking at the 20/40 game and see Soloman just killing it. He is up $6,000.00. I jokingly asked him for a piece of his action when I couldn't get into the game and he said he would think about it. That was when he was up $500.00 I remind him at $6,000.00 and he says he is still thinking about it. O well.

Back at my game I am leaking chips. We get short handed and I win a few hands to be up 100. Then I drop like a rock in two hands. I go back to leaking chips and then loose to 9 2 off suit on the river to loose it all. I take the walk of shame to the atm but at the last moment only take out $200. I actually think about bankroll mgmt, now that I don't have one, and want to try the same style I use on-line. TAG instead of LAG

I know this sounds like crap but I loosen up live when there are 8 people to the flop. Obviously to much and then some donk raises. Granted the pot odds are huge but if you aren't catching cards then you have some big swings. So I decided to forego pot odds and just play TAG no matter what. So far this is working quite well in NL. I almost made up my losses for Fri. on Sat. and then went over the top Sun. night. So now my BR is back and bigger then before just in time for Vegas baby.

I was thinking about this when on Fri. night the guy next to me told me a tid bit that struck home. "You have to play the same way no matter the stakes or what is going on." I may have gotten the wrong idea about this guy. At first I thought he was an over the top, I am god's gift to poker type, but then he comes out with this.

To seal the deal, in the Sat. night game there was an unknown high stakes pro that sat down in the 2/3 5 to go NL game. (He grew up around here and came back for some family business.) I
watched him play tighter then anyone else at the table. He also watched each hand closer then anyone else at the table. I know 8 of the 10 so I didn't have to watch everything. He was playing as if it was his normal game, which I am sure has alot more money on the line. I figured $300 would be nothing to him and he would LAG it up, but no. He played the same way as he always would. So I stuck to this play Sun. and came out smelling like a rose.

On-line I am up to another $100 already. I have been doing well in the .25/.5 NL games. I had another $100 day and love the results. I laugh at myself thinking about how long (3+ yrs) it has taken me to figure out what some of these kids get from day 3. Better late then never I guess.

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