Sunday, June 20, 2010

Its Working

I am making progress. I have always worked better under pressure. I have been getting 3k - 5k hands in per day on the internet, and yes, some hands at the casino.

My new casino strategy is almost a hit and run mentality. I figured the slow pace of play dictates you are either catching cards or not. I have tried waiting it out but it takes to much time for the cards to turn. (12hrs + ) So I go for 3hrs, or 90 hands, and walk.

Most days I make 50 - 100 and then like yesterday I get paid off and make 400. I realized I should be happy with the small days. I have learned poker is not get rich quick but a slow and steady accumulation of small wins supplemented by big ones.

Besides, a run to the casino in the middle of the day is a great excuse to take a break and ride my motorcycle. And immediate cash in my hands is nice too.

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