Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Coming to an End

My game has improved by leaps and bounds but it still may not be enough. My time is running out and I am starting to think more about getting a jjjjob. That was hard to say.

I still have two months left so I plan to make the most of them. I plan on ten tabling all day and then going to the casino all night. I don't want to play until the sun comes up because it takes to long to recover afterwards. I think it is more profitable to get sleep and play rested.

My last big leak is paying off sets with big pairs. I feel like I am playing weak if I don't commit but I lose more often then not. So money is winning over ego. This is reversed live. I folded a few time live only to find out that I would have doubled up. It is very player dependant and I have to size them up faster and more accurate. All I can do in the mean time is to compensate the swings with more hands.

I should have better results this month as I put everything I learned together. Already I made the list of top winners for the day at Poker Table Granted it was at 2am but I was in the top half.

1 comment:

Tilt said...

I'm sure you still don't regret your shot. Best of luck in whatever comes ahead.