Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Got one of those dreaded phone calls that a family member may not make it. So on a moments notice I was on a plane heading to Pennsylvania. My grandmother was not doing well and as my last living grandparent I wanted to see her. She contracted an infection and at 89.5 it caused confusion.

To a point it was funny listening to her mix up dates, events, and people, but at the same time it showed she was not doing well. She lives with my aunt, her daughter, and she did not know her. She was the woman that operated the nursing home, prison, or communist state, depending on how confused my grandmother was at the time.

She recognized me when I went in her bedroom but didn't know how long they would let me stay. Visiting hours and all. Later she wouldn't realize who my father was or when he died. He is her son and he was watching TV on the couch. She later commented that we all looked alike. I guess family does look alike. The antibiotics where working and she was getting better.

After visiting grammy I went to AC and the Borgata. I arrived around 7pm Thursday and jumped into a 2/5 NL game. As usually the locals tried to push the tourist around so I folded many of my hands. They were very aggressive betting large amounts with air or at best a draw.

I picked up a few small pots until I got 88 in the SB. I called 5 limpers and the BB checked. The flop was 998. I flopped a fullhouse and not wanting it to check around I bet 20 into a 35 pot. The BB called and everyone else folded. The turn was a 6 and I bet 40. The BB raised to 140 and I pushed for 300 more, all of his chips.

I could have played this a little slower but I didn't want 93o to beat me without paying so my plan was to get the money in. The BB tanked, called my hand, and asked if I would show. "I don't show sir." He called with a straight and I won another 250 or so. +400

Another player said he had 66 and would have pushed his fullhouse if I didn't bet the flop. This is an argument for slow playing but would I have gotten both to push all in. With a paired board and 3 players the straight would have dropped out and I would have won about the same amount. By betting I think I reduce those bad beats that are worse because you think you slowplaying allow him to stay in.

I won with AA also but I don't like the way I played it. I was getting tired and bored from the drive and jet lag. I was the BB and the button raised to 20. The sb completed and I only raised to 50. Both called and we saw a flop of KQJ 2 spades. I didn't have the A of spades and bet out 60. The btn raised to 120 and the sb folded. I was now in a bad spot and he had 350 left.

He was not a donk but could min raise anything. AK, AQ, KQ, of 2 spades were real possibilities. So I declared I screwed up and pushed 500. He folded what he said was AK. +650

I went card dead after this and donked off 150 before calling it a night. The next day I played in 4hr stretches and won during all 3. I made 650 in the morning, 50 in the afternoon and then 130 in the evening. I don't remember any more hands just being card dead. My morning win was flopping a set over set and a few standard hands then later I was just card dead.

The night session was a little exciting. My first hand I am sat next to the big stack of 2500 and dealt JJ. I raised to 25 and got 3 callers including the big stack. I bet 35 on a board of 895 two hearts and got raised to 135 by the big stack. It was folded around to me and I pushed my 400 starting stack into the middle. The big stack called with an open ended str8 flush draw and got a flush on the river.

I changed seats to get away from the big stack and rebought 300. With QTs I called a 10 straddle along with 6 other players and the bb raised it to 50. Everyone called so I did too. The flop came Q high so I bet out 50 as a blocking bet. The BB and big stack called. The turn was another spade so I bet my last 200 on the Q with str8 and flush draws and the bb called. The BB showed AQ and I said I got outs. The river was a spade and I announced that was one of them.

Almost even now I was feeling better. The BB was still taking about the hand and pointed out that I had a straight flush. I didn't know. I just knew I had a flush and was good. I won a few more small pots to finish up for the session and went to bed.

I had to be at a family gathering Sat. at noon so I had to leave as soon as I woke up. Over all the short side trip cost me 300 and I won 1300. It was worth the trip but I think one more day would have paid for the whole trip back east. One tip. If you don't stay at the Borgata, which is expensive, keep your parking receipts. They charge $5 to park and you can use the receipt if you leave to take a nap and come back. I learned this late and paid for it.

My results aren't there due to the traveling but on line I lost -35, including rakeback, and live I won 1,657. Taking time off is expensive. There are a few days left in the month that I plan to make the best of.

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