Thursday, July 5, 2007

Stopped the Bleeding

Got some live play in over the weekend and holiday. Lost $200 on Saturday and got it back on July 4.

I started with the normal 15/30 but it broke very quickly. I was break even and decided to play the tournament. I was eating when I flopped top two, AK. I was reraised on a AKJ board and I pushed. I knew he had the straight but with eating and being pissed the 15/30 game went down, I didn't care. First one out. Talked to the 5th place winner 2 hrs later and it turns out I won just as much as him, $0. That is why I don't play many tournaments, long hours and no money.

I finished eating and went to the 1/2 NL game. What a boring game. Everyone limps in and you can tell on the flop who made the big hand so you fold. Of course the players take their time to call $5 or fold when they have nothing. I managed to get even, the tournament buy-in, when this hand came up. I limped UTG with 22 and six peopled called. The flop came Q72 with two clubs. I bet $20 half expecting to with the $12 in the pot when the button raises to $240 to put me all in. He is a good player and doesn't put money into the pot with nothing so I didn't like to call but I couldn't lay down a set. I was ahead to his two pair but he filled up on the river for the higher full house. I only lost $200 but the river suck out always hurts. More bad luck.

On the 4th I also ended up playing the 1/2 NL after the 10/20 went down early. I was stuck 60 and so I sat with 240. I was break even for the most part when I called a $199 flop bet with AK. I had the nut flush draw and figured all my over cards were good. He showed a pair but I got a K on the river for the win. I was up $300+ when I put a guy all in for 100. I had top pair and was representing the flush and he called a $75 bet for most of his chips. The 4th flush card didn't get there so I put him all in on the river. He called and out kicked me. So I took my $200 profit and went home. Even for the week.

Online I was doing good at 3/6 but I can't stand the loss in 2/4 so I went back down to fix it. I have never been sucked out on so many time in a row. Instead of wiping out the loss I doubled it. I go way down before coming back most of the time. My big pairs run into bigger pairs or runner runner suck out. And of course none of my draws come in. I had AA 5 times and I was still stuck $30. They call all the way to the river and spike that miracle A.

I am managing to stay even but can't make any head way. All these suck outs have taught me to be more "selectively" aggressive. Check calling is better then bet fold. I have stopped being overly aggressive which I see now was a leak. Loosing always has a way to make you fix your play or go broke. I am grinding away until the cards come back my way. It is just hard to watch horrid play and not being able to get cards to capitalize on it.

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