Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Playing on the Internet

Just been playing on the internet the last couple of weeks. Been up and down nothing exciting to report.

Anyway, I have been moving across town and and cleaning both places and buy new things and just haven't had time to go to Reno or Tahoe. I am not in a hurry either I guess. My bankroll is quite small now and I want to make sure I am prepared to play when I do go.

My parents are going to be in town this weekend so I don't think I will get a chance to play. I may get a short session in up a Tahoe but it depends on the old folks plans.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Still Card Dead

Went to Lake Tahoe for a change last night. Been hearing the action is great and the games are soft for some time now so I thought I would check it out.

Simply put, they are. I got in a 3/5 game and half the table were fish and some of the rest were over aggressive and easy to trap. But as the title says I am still card dead so I was the one being trapped. I got KK 3 times in about 10 hands and lost everyone when 1 or even 2 Aces came on the flop. The rest of the time I got trash or called a small raise to take a stab at making a set on the flop. I started with 500, got up to 650, and left with 200. The 300 loss is not that big compared to the action and the money on the table, but it is a larger part of my now small bankroll.

Saw Don Chittle from Oceans 13 playing 2/3 across the room and heard Micheal Jordan was playing 5k a hand BJ. That was the most exciting part of my night. Down 300 in 5.5 hrs. BLAH

Monday, July 9, 2007

Getting Critical

Still can't get a hand. Very little of my losses are due to bad play. Sure, I am making a few mistakes but nothing like what I am loosing.

I will give you and example. I was in the 1/2 NL with a gutshot straight draw and a flush draw. The board paired on the turn so I put my opponent on trips but for the price I was getting I called. He got quads on the river. I would have rather lost to a full house. I did manage to be up for like 1/2 hr before this hand.

Online I am doing better. I got back half my loss at 2/4 and made $120 at 3/6. This is why I am blaming my downswing on the cards. I am playing the same way live but winning.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Stopped the Bleeding

Got some live play in over the weekend and holiday. Lost $200 on Saturday and got it back on July 4.

I started with the normal 15/30 but it broke very quickly. I was break even and decided to play the tournament. I was eating when I flopped top two, AK. I was reraised on a AKJ board and I pushed. I knew he had the straight but with eating and being pissed the 15/30 game went down, I didn't care. First one out. Talked to the 5th place winner 2 hrs later and it turns out I won just as much as him, $0. That is why I don't play many tournaments, long hours and no money.

I finished eating and went to the 1/2 NL game. What a boring game. Everyone limps in and you can tell on the flop who made the big hand so you fold. Of course the players take their time to call $5 or fold when they have nothing. I managed to get even, the tournament buy-in, when this hand came up. I limped UTG with 22 and six peopled called. The flop came Q72 with two clubs. I bet $20 half expecting to with the $12 in the pot when the button raises to $240 to put me all in. He is a good player and doesn't put money into the pot with nothing so I didn't like to call but I couldn't lay down a set. I was ahead to his two pair but he filled up on the river for the higher full house. I only lost $200 but the river suck out always hurts. More bad luck.

On the 4th I also ended up playing the 1/2 NL after the 10/20 went down early. I was stuck 60 and so I sat with 240. I was break even for the most part when I called a $199 flop bet with AK. I had the nut flush draw and figured all my over cards were good. He showed a pair but I got a K on the river for the win. I was up $300+ when I put a guy all in for 100. I had top pair and was representing the flush and he called a $75 bet for most of his chips. The 4th flush card didn't get there so I put him all in on the river. He called and out kicked me. So I took my $200 profit and went home. Even for the week.

Online I was doing good at 3/6 but I can't stand the loss in 2/4 so I went back down to fix it. I have never been sucked out on so many time in a row. Instead of wiping out the loss I doubled it. I go way down before coming back most of the time. My big pairs run into bigger pairs or runner runner suck out. And of course none of my draws come in. I had AA 5 times and I was still stuck $30. They call all the way to the river and spike that miracle A.

I am managing to stay even but can't make any head way. All these suck outs have taught me to be more "selectively" aggressive. Check calling is better then bet fold. I have stopped being overly aggressive which I see now was a leak. Loosing always has a way to make you fix your play or go broke. I am grinding away until the cards come back my way. It is just hard to watch horrid play and not being able to get cards to capitalize on it.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Getting My focus Back

Been playing on-line quite a bit and I believe it is helping. I am playing low limits and have been up and down. I have taken some bad beats but am up.

Live I am way down. I have been card dead for two weeks now and with some bad play thrown in, I am a big looser. I have gone through almost 2/3 of my bank roll so I have to turn it around or stay away for a bit. July 4 I will play my normal level but if I loose right away I will have to drop down in stake to rebuild.

I believe most of my troubles are in my head. My ex-friend bothered me more then I thought and the loosing didn't help. The longer I play seriously the more I see that you have to be ready to play, mentally, emotionally, and physically. If you aren't ready you will have big down swings.

I am also working on taking my time. I am still chasing the big hand, day, week, and so forth but I am coming around. I lost with a few big pairs to small sets and even set over set and can see folding one hand, even if it is wrong, is the way to go. I lost all my profit in one hand and then more in the others.

I have a job to cover my living expenses so as little as $100 a day is good money to me. Of course I will take more but it adds up quickly. I will keep working at putting it all together and will keep you up to date.

Happy 4th of July