Saturday, July 23, 2011

Where Am I Now

The internet is down and I got a job. The interesting part is that I moved to Las Vegas. Yes there are real jobs here and I have one.

I am playing more and more which is good and bad. I told myself I was going to get a life but I am not making enogh money at my job to pay all my bills and still have fun. So back to the tables for some extra cash.

It has been working so far but I haven't been keeping track to know exactly how much or little I am making. A friend keeps bugging me so I am breaking down and doing starting it today.

The games are obviously good and when I loose it is more my fault then bad cards. I get bored or anxious at the table and just give some or all my chips away. I regret it in the morning but it is to late. I am my own worst enemy.

My plan to control myself is my ipod and limiting my sessions. If I am totaly card dead I can get the internet on my ipod to read and keep me awake. I may miss some stuff but not as much as you would think since Live play is so much slower.

I will also limit my sessions to between 2 and 4 hrs. When I play after work 2 to 2.5 hrs is plenty before I start to fall apart. Just because I have been up since 6:30am and I am getting tired by 9:30pm. I should be awake at work anyway. On the weekends I will have to be honest with myself and take walks or change casinos. If I am card dead a change is what I need anyway.

I will see how this goes. I like to plan but I know it never works in poker. I read my old posts and chuckle at myself. I just can't help it. It is what I do.