Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Intensity, Drive, and Killer Instinct

I now consider myself a winning poker player on-line. I waited to duplicate the results and they are in. Along with my rake back I have seen a mark increase in my bankroll.

Which brings me to my first issue, intensity. Now that I have my style down I have to put in the hands. I'm not slacking off completely but I have to get into a routine that includes hours of play per day.

Drive. Now that I have seen results this is a little easier. Seeing your bankroll increase is fun and infinitely more interesting then watching it go down. This includes the physical conditioning to play all of this poker. It does put a strain on you sitting there for hours. Anyway I got my but off the couch and raise my heart rate. I don't know if I would call it a workout, but I did break a sweat. You have to start somewhere.

Killer instinct. This comes in when I am playing. I have noticed that my bets or raises are lacking. I may be playing a little scared or just trying to hard to extract value, but I have noticed that my bet sizing has left money on the table or worse, let them draw out on me. I end up putting the money in anyway so I don't know what I am afraid of.

So those are my goals to improve my game and cash flow. I started working on them already so I should see results quickly. After all, knowing your problem in the first step in fixing it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Lost Focus

I lost focus and my game showed it. Throw in some bad luck and you have a huge downswing.

I let an issue with a friend bug me and simmer until I exploded on him. The result might have still been the same but I should have just come out and told him what was bugging me. Right or wrong, our friendship might be over and I plan on avoiding it by playing an insane amount of poker. If I don't take the time to think about it I won't have to deal with it. How mature.

So I will let you know how it goes.